Children & Youth
Godly Play Children's Sunday School and Worship begins at 10:30. If you are worshipping in person, please stop by the Resource Table to sign up for the Discovery Sessions! More information about this is in the announcements.
Sunday School starts at 10:30 am until 11:15 am. We will meet in the Godly Play Room downstairs unless we have warm enough weather to meet outside. COVID precautions are in place and include wearing a mask inside and social distancing as families. Children from about 3 to 12 are taught using the Godly Play curriculum. This is a hands-on curriculum which uses stories from Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament to engage the children in questions and discussions about God and Jesus. Looking forward to sharing some stories!! For more information about Godly Play please visit the Godly Play website.
Children aged 13 and older participate in the Episcopal Curriculum for Youth, a thematic program developed by the Center for the Ministry of Teaching.
High School youth participate in PeaceJam which focuses on learning about the Nobel Peace Prize laureates and guiding students in choosing and implementing a service project. They also participate in Living Compass, a curriculum that supports teens in looking at the many decisions they make in their daily lives and evaluating if the decisions they make help them realize the abundant life God wants for them.
The children join in the 10:30 service on the last Sunday of each month, participating in the sermon, choir and the readings!
For further information, please contact Carole Horger. Please see church directory for contact information or call the parish administrator.
Bible Resources for Children - The link below gives ideas for choosing a Bible for children, and some of these are available on Kindle. If you also scroll down the page, there is a description of how to create sacred space in your home, something especially useful in COVID times.
Godly Play Contact: Carole Horger
A Place of Connection for All Ages
At St. Laurence, we have many opportunities to get to know others and to grow in our faith. We gather on Sunday mornings between the 2 services (around 9:15 am) for Adult Forum to read or watch DVDs that engage our minds and hearts. Adults also meet for Book Group in the evenings, reading 3-4 books a year. For our younger generation, we have a vibrant Sunday School ministry for young children.